Our Specialist Team Is Devoted To Meeting Your Business' Health Needs.

A healthy business makes a healthy business owner.

Our team of expert practitioners:

Assesses potential problems with the health of your business.

Diagnoses the conditions affecting the health of your business.

Provides care plans to strengthen the health of your business.

Assess the symptoms
of your business

Siagnose the health issues affecting the performance of your business

Provides health care plans to strengthen your business


We strive to accommodate all of our patients’ needs by providing the best care possible.

Lower your stress levels and get back more of your time
by using the services of Your Business Dr.

Contact us today to for a private and confidential consultation to improve the health of your business.

Meet Your BUSINESS Doctors

Dr. McDreamy picks apart the marketing of businesses to find what's working well and what could be working better.

He helps perfect who, when and how to effectively market businesses to their ideal customers.

Dr. Mark McDreamy

Marketing Specialist

Dr. Ba-nanna pinpoints all the ways a business should look, read, sound and act to show the personality of their business' brand.
She creates and delivers brand strategies to connect businesses with their ideal customers.

Dr. Ana Ba-nanna

Branding Specialist

Dr. John figures out what businesses need to say, why they should say it, how it should be said, and to whom.

He designs and executes messages for businesses to communicate with their ideal customers.

Dr. St. John John

Communications Specialist

Dr. Smiles-alot looks at business' social media accounts and uses analytics and data to find what works best for them.

She maps out social media marketing plans to raise business' online profile to reach their ideal customers.

Dr. Sally Smiles-alot

Social Media Specialist

Dr. McDreamy picks apart the marketing of businesses to find what's working well and what could be working better.

He helps perfect who, when and how to effectively market businesses to their ideal customers.

Dr. Mark McDermot

Marketing Specialist

Dr. Ba-nanna pinpoints all the ways a business should look, read, sound and act to show the personality of their business' brand.

She creates and delivers brand strategies to connect businesses with their ideal customers.

Dr. Ana Shwartz

Branding Specialist

Dr. John figures out what businesses need to say, why they should say it, how it should be said, and to whom. He designs and executes messages for businesses to communicate with their ideal customers.

Dr. St. John John

Communications Specialist

Dr. Smiles-alot looks at business' social media accounts and uses analytics and data to find what works best for them.
She maps out social media marketing plans to raise business' online profile to reach their ideal customers.

Dr. Sally Hogan

Social Media Specialist

Practice Areas Include

Business Health

We assess your business' symptoms, history and competitors to identify your specific pain points and plan the best way forward to improve the health of your business.


We assess the people, print and online marketing channels your business uses, and rework them to win you more customers and achieve the goals of your business.


We assess impressions your business creates, to ensure your brand identity connects effectively and consistently with the audiences targeted by your business.

Customer Experience

We assess the different ways customers interact with your business and provide advice on how to build stronger relationships between customers and your business.


We assess what, when and how messages are delivered to your audiences, and create effective ways to continue attracting and keeping the attention of customers to your business.

Digital Effectiveness

We assess the online presence of your business and suggest ways to make it as easy as possible for customers to search, find or learn about your business.

Practice Areas Include

Business Health

We assess our patients’ business operations to find areas in poor condition that would benefit from strengthening.


We assess our patients’ business marketing to identify how existing strategies could be reworked to win more customers.


We assess our patients’ business branding to make sure it still effectively matches the profiles of ideal customers, targeted.

Customer Experiences

We assess our patients’ business to ensure every connection made with existing and potential customers are positive ones.


We assess our patients’ business communications to see if every word seen or heard by existing and new customers are effective.

Digital Effectiveness

We assess our patients’ business website, social media and other digital arms to uncover if they’re working at maximum value.

Patient Information


Receive a prescription specific to your business, outlining the 'medicines' needed to improve the overall health of your business.

Care Plan

Receive a care plan specific to your business, which sets out clear goals to achieve over 12 months in order to strengthen the health of your business.


Receive ongoing treatment from our expert practitioners in areas needing specific attention to maximize the health of your business.


Receive a prescription specific to your business, outlining the 'medicines' needed to improve the overall health of your business.

Care Plan

Receive a care plan specific to your business, which sets out clear goals to achieve over 12 months in order to strengthen the health of your business.


Receive ongoing treatment from our expert practitioners in areas needing specific attention to maximize the health of your business.


Receive a prescription specific to your business, outlining the 'medicines' needed to improve the overall health of your business.

Care Plan

Receive a care plan specific to your business, which sets out clear goals to achieve over 12 months in order to strengthen the health of your business.


Receive ongoing treatment from our expert practitioners in areas needing specific attention to maximize the health of your business.


Receive a detailed report identifying the causes and areas of your business that need treatment to achieve better health.


Receive a detailed report identifying the causes and areas of your business that need treatment to achieve better health.

Care Plan

Receive a care plan with clear and detailed recommendations for actions to improve areas of your business to achieve better health.


Receive treatment for from one of our specialist business practitioners for your business to achieve better health.

Care Plan

Receive a care plan with clear and detailed recommendations for actions to improve areas of your business to achieve better health.


Receive treatment for from one of our specialist business practitioners for your business to achieve better health.

