Patient Information


You’ve shared your business' health concerns and symptoms with us. We’ve looked into the issues to find the root cause. Now, we provide a diagnosis and prescription.

Our prescriptions are a one page report that highlights specific areas of your business that needs restorative and preventative 'medicine'.

Our prescriptions provide remedies needed to address the health issues of your business in a concise, quick-to-read and easy-to-understand report.

This option is a perfect way to improve your business' health, if your business is well resourced and has an experienced team member with the time and proven skills to action recommended business applications.

Care Plan

You’ve shared your business' health concerns and symptoms with us. We’ve looked into the issues to find the root cause. Now, we provide a care plan.

Our care plans are a two page report that highlights the specific areas of your business that needs restorative and preventative 'medicines' as well as advice for its application over time.

Our care plans outline key business health recommendations made by experienced and objective specialists.

This option is a perfect way to improve your business' health, if your business has a team member who has the time and willingness to practice and/or improve their skills by actioning the recommended business applications.


You’ve shared your business’ health concerns and symptoms with us. We’ve looked into the issues to find the root cause. Now, we provide ongoing treatment to maximize the health of your business.

Our treatment plans are ongoing services that we provide so you can get on with what you do best. We take care of the other stuff. We provide treatment in support of your business' specific diagnosis over 2, 3 or 6 months minimum. We assess the progress made after a set time and plan further actions accordingly.

Our treatment plans are provided for any of the identified specialties or a combination of them, as needed.

This option is a perfect way to improve your business’ health, if your business is made up of team members who are already operating at 100% capacity (or sometimes more!) and are not able to take on the extra responsibilities.

Access Your Business Health Tracker

Staying on top of everything can be overwhelming and almost impossible for overworked business owners. Start somewhere by starting small. Download your FREE business health tracker, below.

