Practice areas

Business Health

Your Business Dr. treats your business' health concerns before they get worse in a similar way General or Primary Care Physicians provide preventative care for your personal health.

FIRSTLY, you provide us with details about your business, including your main concerns about its health, its symptoms, general performance and overall goals.

NEXT, we conduct research and analysis into your business, to find which step by step improvements will best achieve the overall goals you’ve set.

THEN, we deliver the outcomes of our research, analysis and strategic planning in either a prescription (short report), care plan (detailed report) or treatment (ongoing care).

Our Business Health advice covers areas including:

All reports, advice and recommendations are made specifically for your business. The products and services, customers, market and processes specific to your business, sources all recommendations provided.


Your Business Dr. treats your business’ marketing concerns by making sure your time, efforts and money are being used for marketing activities that delivers results.

FIRSTLY, you provide us with details about the current marketing activities of your business, relevant industries, main competitors, target customers groups and marketing goals.

NEXT, we conduct research and analysis into all areas of your marketing to find the good parts that need repeating, improvements that could be made and new things worth trying.

THEN, we deliver the outcomes of our research, analysis and strategic planning in either a prescription (short report), care plan (detailed report) or treatment (ongoing care).

Our Marketing advice covers areas including:

All reports, advice and recommendations are made specifically for your business. The products and services, customers, market and processes specific to your business, sources all recommendations provided.


Your Business Dr. treats your business' branding concerns by making sure the identity of your business is perceived the right way by people that benefit most from the value your business offers.

FIRSTLY, you provide us with details about how you want your brand to be perceived, how you think your brand is perceived and the ideal people you’d like your brand to appeal to.

NEXT, we conduct research and analysis into all areas of your branding to find out whether the way your brand looks, sounds, reads and acts accurately represents your brand’s identity.

THEN, we deliver the outcomes of our research, analysis and strategic planning in either a prescription (short report), care plan (detailed report) or treatment (ongoing care).

Our Branding advice covers areas including:

All reports, advice and recommendations are made specifically for your business. The products and services, customers, market and processes specific to your business, sources all recommendations provided.


Your Business Dr. treats your business' customer experience concerns by making sure all direct and indirect contact a customer has with your business is a positive one.

FIRSTLY, you provide us with details about the different ways customers contact your business, involvement during the process (e.g. physical or rational) and your goals for their response.

NEXT, we conduct research and analysis into all areas of your customer experience to find out whether every opportunity to impact positively from contact with your customers, is maximized.

THEN, we deliver the outcomes of our research, analysis and strategic planning in either a prescription (short report), care plan (detailed report) or treatment (ongoing care).

Our Customer Experience advice covers areas including:

All reports, advice and recommendations are made specifically for your business. The products and services, industry and customer experience specific to your business, sources all recommendations provided.


Your Business Dr. treats your business' communications concerns by making sure that all messages to your target audiences are relevant, clear and consistent.

FIRSTLY, you provide us with details about the types of communications that are currently used by your business, how often they’re used and the targeted audiences.

NEXT, we conduct research and analysis into all areas of your communications to see which forms are working well enough to expand and repeat, and which should be removed or changed.

THEN, we deliver the outcomes of our research, analysis and strategic planning in either a prescription (short report), care plan (detailed report) or treatment (ongoing care).

Our Communications advice covers areas including:

All reports, advice and recommendations are made specifically for your business. The products and services, industry and communications specific to your business, sources all recommendations provided.

Digital Effectiveness

Your Business Dr. treats your business' digital concerns by making sure the online presence of your business leads to you being found and seen easily by customers online.

FIRSTLY, you provide us with details about how your business uses different online platforms and tools to promote and build awareness of your business online.

NEXT, we conduct research and analysis into all areas of your online presence to assess whether you’re using the right digital tools, the right way, to connect with the right people.

THEN, we deliver the outcomes of our research, analysis and strategic planning in either a prescription (short report), care plan (detailed report) or treatment (ongoing care).

Our Digital Effectiveness advice covers areas including:

All reports, advice and recommendations are made specifically for your business. The products and services, industry and digital marketing specific to your business, sources all recommendations provided
